Latest Township News
2025 Seal Coat Program
Ligonier Township is requesting bids for the construction of the following project:
Contract No. 2025-01 - 2025 Seal Coat Program
Bids for the construction of the project will be received at the Ligonier Township Office located at One Municipal Park Drive, Ligonier, PA 15658 until 3:00 pm local time on Friday, March 7, 2025. Bids will be opened and read aloud at the Township's regular public meeting on March 11, 2025 at 7:00 pm.
The project includes the following work:
The application of approximately 186,171 square yards of bituminous seal coat per PennDOT Publications 408 and 447 on twelve roads within the municipality. Quantities may be adjusted based on available funding.
Detailed specifications can be obtained at the Ligonier Township Building, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, or by clicking on the attachment below.
Instructions to Bidders
A bid bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of the bid shall be included with the sealed bid and will be forfeited should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract with Ligonier Township. Bids must be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, bid security, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the instructions to bidders that are included in the bidding documents.
Link to contract documents and technical specifications
Posted Friday, February 7, 2025
2025 proposed budget
UPDATE: The budget was unanimously approved at the December 10, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting
Be advised that Ligonier Township is proposing its 2025 budget, which includes a general fund of $2.4 million, a capital fund of $183,434, and a liquid fuels fund of $385,000. Copies of the proposed budget may be examined at Ligonier Twp. offices, 1 Municipal Park Dr., Ligonier, PA 15658, as well as online on our "Resources" page. 2025 Budget
Posted Thursday, December 12, 2024
Ramsey Road bridge closure
Effective immediately, Ligonier Township is closing the Ramsey Road bridge in Wilpen, at the recommendation of the Township's engineer. The detour is Robb Road. The Township intends to replace the bridge, but we are very early in the process and do not yet have a timeline, nor cost estimates. The Township will post updates as we receive more information.
UPDATE 10/7/2024: The Westmoreland Conservation District estimates that DEP's permitting process will take 6 to 12 months. We have not yet started the permitting process. The bridge will remain closed through the winter and early 2025.
UPDATE 11/5/2024: The Township has applied for a PennDOT multimodal grant for funding to replace the bridge.
Posted Friday, November 1, 2024
Stormwater requirements
As of June 12, 2023, any development or construction in Ligonier Township that creates 1,000 or more square feet of impervious surface will be required to fill out additional stormwater permits, and be required to capture 100% of the stormwater created from the impervious surface, as well as capturing 20% of stormwater from impervious surfaces that already exist on the parcel.
See the Zoning page for permits and additional information. Stormwater Ordinance
Posted Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Township mowing and tree trimming
Residents, please be aware that our Public Works crew is out on the Township roads mowing and trimming trees and brush. Most Township roads have a right-of-way width of 33 feet. Any grass, flowers, trees, shrubs, or other growth within 16 feet of the center line of the roadway may be cut. The priority of our road crew is clearing sight lines for driving on our backroads, and while they do a good job, we are not professional landscapers. We recommend that if you are able you trim your front yards yourself you do so.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping keeping our roadways safe.
Posted Wednesday, January 24, 2024
How to Report Road Concerns
PennDOT encourages motorists to report state roadway concerns by calling:
Do not use this number to report traffic accidents, disabled vehicles, or other emergencies. Do be specific as possible and include the county, municipality, street name, route number, and any landmarks that will help PennDOT locate the problem area.
For a complete list of Township maintained roads, click here.
Posted Wednesday, October 27, 2021
USDA Home Owners Assistance Programs
USDA offers the following housing programs:
USDA 504 Repair Grant Program for very low income homeowners 62 years of age or older please call 724-261-3887 or email (Great for senior residents that need to repair or replace on lot septic systems- but not limited to that!)
USDA 504 Repair Loan Program for very low income homeowners please call 724-261-3887 or email (Great for residents that need to repair or replace on lot septic systems-but not limited to that!)
USDA 502 Purchase Program for low or very low income applicants please call 717-237-2186 or email
USDA Guaranteed Purchase program for moderate, low or very low income applicants please email
USDA 538 Guaranteed Program for Multi-Family acquisition/rehab please contact Elizabeth Bell at 717-237-2273 or email
For more information, click here.
Posted Thursday, October 21, 2021
Septic Tank Systems
If you are having problems with your septic tank please contact the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO), Mike D'Arrigo of Apex Companies at 814-718-9188 or 814-443-3344. The SEO will help determine the cause of the problem, the best repairs for a long-term solution and whether or not a permit is required. Examples of repairs that require a permit include replacing or enlarging treatment tanks, replacing pumps, repairing distribution boxes and distribution (leach) fields, and replacing piping between houses, treatment tanks and distribution fields. The SEO oversees repairs made by contractors.
Posted Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Recycling Programs
Mixed paper and flattened cardboard may be dropped off in their respective receptacles located in the Township Municipal Complex parking lot. Please do not leave materials behind (i.e. litter) if the bins are full!
Plastic bags, bubble wrap, and air pillows can be recycled at most grocery stores.
McInchok Sanitation, Biz-Up Sanitation, Waste Management, and Republic Services offer curbside service in some areas of the Township- please call them directly for more details and to confirm program availability for your residence.
Westmoreland Cleanways takes electronics, tires, lead acid batteries, freon appliances, fluorescent tubes, glass, and other hard to dispose items. Click here to visit their website: Westmoreland Cleanways
Posted Thursday, December 21, 2023
Township Newsletters