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1 Municipal Park Drive
Ligonier, PA 15658

Zoning News & Documents

Welcome To The Ligonier Township Zoning Webpage

Here you will find links to the Township's Zoning Ordinance, maps and associated forms.  The Zoning Ordinace was most recently amended in March 2015 and is currently being reviewed.  There are seven (7) zoning districts:  A-1 Agriculture, R-1 Rural Residential, R-2 Suburban Residential, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial, C-2 Highway Commercial, I Industry, and V Village.

Uniform Commerical Code (UCC) inspections for both plans and building are done by TKL Code Inspection Services.  If you have questions regarding the UCC contact them at (724) 801-8204. Residential inspections are completed by Andrew Lichtenfels, commercial inspections are done by Terry Lichtenfels, our Building Code Official. 


Regulations change and you may have questions regarding what is required when contemplating clearing land, building an addition, or placing a pool / shed / garage on your property.  Note that permits are required for any "man made" changes to property in the floodplain.  Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Please call the Zoning Officer to ensure requirements are met prior to beginning any and all projects. 

Posted June 25, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

Are permits required for pools?
Yes, please click here for above & below ground pool permit information.

Are permits required for building a shed on my property? 
If your shed/garage is under 1,000 square feet and not attached to another building you are not required to have a building permit, but you will need a zoning permit. Over 1,000 square feet or attached, a building permit is required. But, if you are under 1,000 square feet, detached and adding a separate electrical entrance for the shed/garage, you don’t need the building inspected but you must have the electrical entrance inspected.

What is the difference between a zoning permit and a building permit?
The Zoning Permit is a township permit which determines a couple of things, first whether the structure, or use is a permitted use, conditional use or special exemption. Each zoning district has these uses listed on the Zoning Chart that is located on the right. The Zoning Permit also determines the minimum distances that are required from the front, side and rear property lines of your parcel that any accessory structure or addition can be located. These distances are also listed at the bottom of the Zoning Chart.  Prior to having plans drawn up, I would contact the Zoning Officer to ensure what Zoning District your property is located. 

A Building Permit is different from a Zoning Permit. Ligonier Township utilizes TKL Code Inspection Services for our building permits. Below is a list of things that DO require a building permit. 

  1. ALL decks that are 30” or more above grade, regardless of square footage.
  2. All decks with a roof, regardless of inches above grade.
  3. Any “New” roofs; i.e., a new roof above an existing porch.
  4. All pools over 24” of water
  5. A DETACHED garage over 1,000 square feet.
  6. An ATTACHED garage regardless of square footage.
  7. Any demolition of an existing home. ESPECIALLY FOR COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES.
  8. Any size addition to a single family dwelling.
  9. Any fences 6 feet and over in height.
  10. Any structural alterations to a home, like new windows, or the removal of a structural wall.
  11. Any solar panels. (Plans and cut sheet required)
  12. Any new driveway off of a state highway requres a DOT Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP).

If you have questions you can call TKL directly at (724) 801-8204 or go to their website You can also call the Zoning Office at (724) 238-2725 ext. 111. 

Are there any other requirements I should be aware of?

If you are building an accessory structure (shed, garage, etc) and you are going to move ANY earth at all, you should have Erosion and Sediment Control plans present on site.  If you plan to move ANY earth these E & S plans are essential and MUST be on site.  (To have an understanding of what is required in these plans please call Westmoreland Conservation District at (724) 837-5271.  They will explain what is needed in these plans.)  Further, if you disturb more than 5,000 Square Feet of earth, you will need to put E & S Controls in place at the work site.  If you disturb more than one (1) acre of earth, you will need permits from Westmoreland Conservation prior to any earth disturbance.  These steps are important in the completion of your building permits.  

Where can I find a Permit Fee Schedule?

A link is located on the right of this webpage.  Please note that building permit fees are affected by a myriad of factors that are determined by TKL Code Inspection Services. 

What if my intended use is not a permitted uses?

You can file for a variance through the Ligonier Township Zoning Hearing Board, which meets once a month. Please call the Zoning Officer to inquire about a conditional use or special exemption.

Does Ligonier Township have a burning ordinance?

Yes.  The Township prohibits the burning of the same things that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection prohibits.  This includes items such as appliances, carpets, demolition waste, insulation, shingles, treated wood, siding, plain, painted, or stained objects or furniture, tires, mattresses, box springs, metal, batteries, PVC products, waste oil, and other petroleum products.  In addition to Township regulations, open burning is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Enviromental Protection (DEP) air quality and solid waste divisions.  

For more information, please visit the PA DEP website or call them at 412-442-4000.

Posted July 15, 2020

Ligonier Valley Comprehensive Plan

Recently, the Borough of Ligonier, the Borough of Laurel Mountain and Ligonier Township began the process of exploring and authoring a new Multi- Municipal Comprehensive Plan.  This comprehensive plan will be vital to determining the direction in which the Ligonier Valley can explore as we move forward.  The citizens of all three municipalities will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on a myriad of issues regarding our beautiful Ligonier Valley.  As I stated in the beginning, this is the first step in this process.  The three entities will be addressing a multi-municipalitiy agreement and will be forming a committee, made up of representatives of all three municipalities.  Moving forward we will be involving our citizens in this process by using a three prong approach to involvement.  First a survey delivered to every citizen, addressing issues that are important to them.  We will also utilize social media to garner participation with the survey.  And finally, we will be conducting town hall meetings which the public can participate in and voice their opinions regarding the direction in which the Ligonier Valley may endeavor.  Once a Multi-Municipality Comprehensive Plan is completed it can then be filed with the County and posted on the municipalities' respective websites to give people and business owners the opportunity to take a look at our valley and see everything we have to offer.  It can also be used for any business to look at to determine whether they would like to relocate or locate in Ligonier Valley.

Posted February 1, 2016

Code Enforcement

The Township's housing and building codes require that residential properties meet minimum health and safety standards. Enforcement addresses specific properties that are not in compliance with the code and keeps surrounding homes safe. To report a possible violation, please complete a Nuisance Complaint form (available at the Municipal building or use the link on the right).  Please note that an issue cannot be addressed unless a form has been submitted and you may remain anonymous. 

Posted June 26, 2020


The township office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Ligonier Township Municipal building is located 2 miles north of Ligonier, PA on State Route 711 in Oak Grove.

Notice is hereby given that the Ligonier Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age. Nor does it retaliate against persons who file a discrimination complaint or lawsuit, who complain about discrimination; or who participate in a discrimination proceeding, such as being a witness in a complaint investigation or lawsuit.

See map

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